Do these situations sound familiar?
As a woman, you feel you do everything for everyone and are exhausted?
You are tired of having an ordinary marriage and you want a great one.
As a women, you feel unheard and not understood by your man?
As a man, no matter what you do to please her she never seems happy?
You want to be a calmer and more loving parent?
Your single and you keep attracting the same type of lover?
You know things need to change but are waiting for your partner to agree?
You know your relationship has stalled and you do not know how to restart it?
By learning new skills not taught by counselors, you will receive access to the most advanced and results driven marriage, relationship and life training available from world renowned trainers and strategists Marie and Brett Jones and their Team of 29 highly trained coaches and mentors.
We provide you with the Code to communicate with your partner and feel heard and understood by them and to create your intimate relationships, your loving family, your business, your investments and your happiness. For 30 years we have empowered thousands of couples, across Australia and the United States, to, elevate their marriages, get on the same page and construct love filled, unshakable Kingdoms.
Too many couples love each other but do not have the skills to work together and are heading in different directions. We have created skill based learnings that will powerfully bring you back into trust, love and commitment and you will experience why we proudly say
By learning new and profoundly different, deep and intimate communication based on our proven Six Step Relationship Communication Code. Hundreds of couples reclaimed their love, got on the same page and worked together to create their dreams, radically improved thier connection and created the lives of their dreams with intimacy, vulnerability, unbreakable love as well as a successful businesses/career and wealth. Learn More
Trying to Juggle it all? Business, Money, Family, Children, Health and your own sanity?
Work on your selection process. Ever noticed that each partner has similarities and the reuslt is always the same?
Friday 8.15am 16th May - 5pm Sunday 18th May 2025
Frazer Suites Hotel
Friday 8.15am 28th March 2025
- 5pm 30th March 2025
Friday 8.15am 21st March to
5pm 23rd March 2025
Friday 8.15am 8th August to
5pm 10th August 2025
Friday 8.15 am 29th May
- 5pm 31st May 2025
Carlsbad, San Diego
Our unique relationship Code event is the first step to transforming your relationship and delivers the new Relationship Code of communication you need to improve your relationship, even if your partner appears not interested. For singles and couples.
First step is to recognise your existing relationship code is not working for you. In fact its pushing you further apart.
Learn the new relationship communication CODE designed for the new millennium and for couples now. Learn to communicate and improve your love, intimacy and relationship.
Attend live, 33 hours over three days packed with acquiring new communication skills, understanding the differences between men and women and what you need from your relationships, letting go of old baggage that is holding you back from love, new ways to make your treasury strong and so much more......
Pre-recorded and available continuously ONLINE.
"I have been doing personal development and transformational work for 20 years and this gave me, myself back as a KING inside our marriage."
"I had an out of body experience, it was incredible the amount of clarity I received. It was so great for our relationship."
"Completely changed our lives. As a couple running a business it has smoothed out the communication and made us more in flow with each other."
"We were good but we wanted great. Our relationship and become ordinary."
"It was incredible. Divorce was on the table and now its never going to be on again."
"We are on a new journey and so excited."
Sign up to receive your Complimentary Call or call us
+61 402 690 218